In the fall
of 1985, the Castleberry Lions were playing the Wichita Falls Hirschi Huskies
at Hirschi Field under Friday night lights. By halftime, it wasn’t pretty. I
believe the score was about 35-0 and it was obvious that the Huskies were
bigger, faster, stronger and just plain better at football than the Lions.
In the
halftime speeches and preparations for the next half, the coaches were just
trying to do damage control. “Maybe if we do such and such, we can minimize
their scoring.” “Maybe if we do everything right and nothing wrong, maybe it
won’t be quite as bad as the first half. Maybe.” Nobody was talking about
winning. Most of the coaches and the players were thinking about just trying to
But I have
always been an optimist. I looked around at all the sad faces. I recognized
defeat in my teammates’ eyes and I couldn’t stand it anymore. I stood up and
gave the best motivational speech you’ve ever heard a seventeen-year old give.
I told them that I still believed in them. I knew it wouldn’t be easy and that
we were outplayed in the first half but that the second half was for winners.
We had prepared all our lives for just such a time and I believed we could win
this game if we go out and give it all we had. Who is with me?! And we all
yelled our best war cries and stormed onto the field ready to fight like the
lions we were.
I’ll spare
you the play by play but I believe the final score was 56-7 or so and the only
reason we got 7 was because they were literally putting in their third and
fourth string players. I’m pretty sure I saw the water boy suit up and take
some snaps. I think I tackled a middle school girl at one point and I just
barely caught her. Those kids were fast!
But I’m
still an optimist. Like I said last week, I sincerely believe that this
church’s best days are ahead of us. I still pray and believe that God is going
to use this church to bring revival to Wise County. I see and believe that God
is using us to minister to the poor, the addicted and the incarcerated. I
believe every Sunday that this is the day somebody walks down this aisle and
asks Jesus to change their life. I still believe.
But I have
to admit that sometimes I feel like I am back in Wichita Falls and it’s the
fourth quarter. When I look around and see defeat in the eyes of fellow church
members, it hurts. When I see friends and family giving up on living a
victorious life, it scares me. When I see some people just trying to survive,
it frustrates me. Jesus said He came to give us a full and abundant life (John
10:10) and yet so many people live to work and work for the weekend and have no
real life at all.
I hate to
give bad news on top of bad news but as the military says, the only easy day
was yesterday. It is only going to get harder to live for Jesus as the days go
on. The world is not getting any better and we can expect to truly be
persecuted for living as Christians in this world as we see people in other
countries are right now.
But here is
the good news. We have a door of opportunity right now, today where we live and
work and play to make a difference in this world. We can’t change what we have
done in the past and we can’t predict the future but we can be change-enablers
for right now. We can’t change everybody but at the least; at the very minimum
we can change the lives of our kids and grandkids because if we don’t then the
world will. I say we have a door of opportunity because that is how Jesus
described it to the church in Philadelphia.
Turn to Revelation
3 and let’s read what Jesus told John to write to this church. No, it was
not in Pennsylvania. It was in Asia and would be modern-day Turkey and this
city was built for the purpose of evangelism. The problem was it wasn’t for
Christianity. It was for the purpose of building up the name and reputation of
Greece. The Greeks built this city at a popular crossroads and so whenever
anybody came or went through Philadelphia, the Philadelphians would spread the
so-called good news about how great Greece was.
They had
done a good job of it too. Most people in the area spoke Greek and thought of
themselves as citizens of Greece so that was working for the city. What wasn’t
working was the earthquakes that plagued the city. At one point, the whole city
was destroyed and nobody wanted to go back because of the after-shocks made
them wonder if it was going to happen again.
This was a
small church in that city. They didn’t have a lot of physical or financial
resources so maybe we at Christ Fellowship can relate to what they are told by
Jesus. Let’s read Revelation 3:7-13.
To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the
words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no
one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. 8I know your deeds. See, I
have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have
little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. 9I will
make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they
are not, but are liars-I will make them come and fall down at your feet and
acknowledge that I have loved you. 10Since you have kept my command to endure
patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on
the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. 11I am coming soon. Hold
on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. 12The one who is
victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they
leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of
my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and
I will also write on them my new name. 13Whoever has ears, let them hear what
the Spirit says to the churches.
In preparing
for this message, I read a sermon by Dr. W.A. Criswell and was glad to agree
with him that there are parts of this that are hard to understand. I believe
this goes for all the Book of Revelation because the revelation that is talked
about is the revelation of Jesus Himself. In this book, Jesus tells John and
tells us some things that we just can’t relate to because we have never seen it
or experienced it nor has anybody else so we just have to believe that when
Jesus makes a promise, it will be an unbelievably wonderful promise and a
promise that absolutely will be fulfilled.
But what we
can understand in this passage is that Jesus tells this church His authority to
say what He says, then He gives them a challenge and then closes with a promise
for them if they complete the challenge. This is one of the two churches that
Jesus found no problem with and so instead of reprimanding them for anything,
He challenges them and us to make use of the time and that’s where I want to
concentrate this morning.
But look
again at verse 7. These are the words of him
who is holy and true. Holy and true is Jesus just confirming His
divinity. He is acknowledging that He is God. All through scripture, God is
called holy and while He commands us to be holy as He is holy (Lev. 11:44), it
is not, nor ever will be our title. It is a title of God. In Isaiah 6,
the seraphs proclaim God’s holiness all around His throne all the time. The
word “holy” means different or set apart and that is exactly what God is.
In the
Greek, there are two words for our word “true” and one means not false and the
other means real. While God is both of those, it is the word that means real
that is used here and so Jesus is saying that He has the authority to say these
things because He is the holy and real God and what God says is truth.
Jesus goes
on to say that He holds the key of David. In the Old Testament when the temple
was still called the House of David, then king Hezekiah had a faithful servant
named Eliakim who controlled all access to the king. He was very protective of
the king and the king knew he could be trusted and God said in Isaiah 22
that He would give Eliakim the key to the house of David and what he shall open
none shall shut and what he shuts none will open. That was the highest honor
for Eliakim and here Jesus says that He now holds the key because He goes on to
speak of an open door for this church in Philadelphia.
So, let’s
camp out in verse 8 for a little while. In fact, let’s personalize this
verse. Let’s pretend that Jesus is writing this to Christ Fellowship as He very
well could be. He says, “Hey Christ Fellowship family, 8I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open
door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have
kept my word and have not denied my name.
What does an
open door signify? It signifies opportunity, right? I think I’ve told this
story before but years and years ago I worked for Western Hauler in Ft. Worth customizing
trucks. We did almost everything inside and out to these trucks and there was a
lot of work done on them. I worked with several other guys and, to my
knowledge, none of them were believers but I was especially concerned about one
Rick had
done a lot of drugs and been in and out of prison and was now just trying to
get by in life without messing up. Maybe some of you can relate to that. I had
talked to him about God before and I knew he had read the Bible some but I kept
praying that God would give me the opportunity to really witness to him.
Finally that
day came. Rick was underneath a truck working on something and I saw that my
job would have me under the same truck working on something else so I went to
praying. “Okay, Lord. Here we go. Just give me the words and I will give you
all the glory. Just tell me what to say.”
But as I
gathered up all my tools to do the job, all I kept hearing from God was, “Say
something about church.” So I started praying harder and explaining to God
what the situation was. “Lord, I have this great opportunity. Just tell me
what to say. What scriptures should I use? You just tell me and I’ll tell him.”
But all I got from God was, again, “Say something about church.”
I have to be
honest. As I got my creeper and slid up underneath that truck, I was kind of
mad. God obviously doesn’t understand the seriousness of the situation. He
doesn’t realize that I don’t know what to say and that if He doesn’t give me
the words…then what? “Say something about church.” So I did.
With the
worst attitude and with the least amount of energy and enthusiasm, I simply
said, “Rick, we had a good day at church yesterday.” And I thought, “There,
God, do something with that!” And He did. Rick put down his tools, turned
on his creeper and propped himself up on an elbow and said, “Really? Tell me
about it.”
So, I told
him about church but that led to talking about Jesus and Heaven and Hell and
grace and repentance and we just had the best time and I never had to struggle
with what to say one time. Now, I don’t know that Rick ever accepted Jesus as
his Savior but I planted a seed and learned a very important lesson.
The lesson
that Jesus wanted the church in Philadelphia to learn and the lesson that Jesus
wants the church in Lake Bridgeport to learn is found in verse 8. Before
verse 8, Jesus tells them His authority and after verse 8 He
gives them promises but the gist of the letter; the main thing is found in verse
8. 8I know your deeds. See, I have placed before
you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength,
yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.
was a small church but a strategic church. They were able to minister to people
that a lot of other churches couldn’t. They didn’t have a lot of power or money
or people but Jesus says, “Look, I am God. I am the Creator of the universe
and I am the one that put before you an open door.” The thing I find hard
to believe about this is that the name Christ Fellowship isn’t actually mentioned
because it sure sounds like Jesus could be speaking to us.
The greatest
missionary that ever lived, the Apostle Paul, talked a lot about open doors in
his ministry. In 1 Corinthians 16,
he says, “For a wide door for effective work has opened for me.” In 2
Corinthians 2, he said as he came to Troas that the Lord opened a door for
him. He asked the Colossian church to pray that a door of utterance would be
opened for him. (Col. 4:3) In Acts 14, he told how God had opened a door
of faith to the Gentiles.
Paul was
praying for, asking for and expecting doors to be opened to him so he could
spread the Gospel and because he was praying, asking and expecting it, he was
able to recognize those open doors and was able to spread the Gospel all over
the known world. Paul found open doors where most of us would only see brick
walls. Paul was blessed by God to see and go through those open doors and
because he did, Paul’s treasures in Heaven are literally out of this world.
But I hear
ya. You aren’t Paul. I’m not either. Paul was one of a kind. We see Paul as
kind of a spiritual Superman compared to the rest of us so it’s kind of unfair
to compare us. I get it. You are right. You aren’t Paul but this letter wasn’t
written to Paul. It was written to a small, weak church in the middle of a
carnal, hateful, selfish, sinful world.
Jesus said, “I know that you have
little strength.” I know you
aren’t Superman but I’m not asking you to do what Superman did. I am putting a special,
custom door in front of you and I expect you to walk through it. The good news
about this is, you don’t even do that in your own strength. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all
things through Christ who gives me strength.” We have talked about this
before. That doesn’t mean necessarily that Christ will give you strength to
make a million dollars unless He calls you to make a million dollars. But when
He puts an open door in front of you, He supplies everything you need to walk
through it. He gives you the strength, the money, the time, the talent and
whatever else it takes.
We talked
last week about all the ministries this church is involved in. Like every
Christian church we are called to make disciples all over the world but this
church, as we have acknowledged many times, is called to minister specifically
to the poor, the addicted and the incarcerated. That’s not my idea. That’s not
something the Leadership Team came up with. That is just the door that God
opened to us and it is obvious. In doing that, we have a food pantry and a jail
ministry. We go to the RV park down the road. We are involved in the Discipleship
House in Bridgeport. We pack shoeboxes for children overseas. We tithe to other
missions that do similar things. Those are just some of the doors that God has
put before us. The question is, are you walking through those doors?
What about
your personal doors of opportunity? What about your kids and grandkids? You
ought to be praying, asking and expecting doors to open for you to tell them
the Good News of Jesus Christ and what He has done in your life. Babies ought
to hear the name of Jesus being sung as they go to sleep way more often than
hearing about boughs breaking and cradles falling.
The thing
about open doors that we all need to remember is that they don’t stay open. It
has taken seven years of our church making the contacts that God gives us for
some of these doors to open. But they may slam shut tomorrow and never open
again. What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for more motivation? Go back
to verse 11 of Revelation 3. I’ll be honest. I read a bunch of
commentaries on verses 12 and 13 and I’m not real sure what some of that
is really going to look like but I understand verse 11.
In verse
11, Jesus says, “I am coming soon!” He is coming soon and He is bringing His rewards
with Him and He wants us to have them and He says they are great but I tell you
what I want more than eternal blessings and that is to have all my friends and
family with me in Heaven. I want our neighbors there. I even want my enemies
there. You know how to make an enemy into a friend? Show them and then tell
them the love of Jesus and I promise it will be way harder for them to hate
But that
door is not going to be open much longer. That door has closed to people in
China and Viet Nam and even in the country that is now where the city of
Philadelphia was. There is no Christian church in Turkey to speak of. God
closed that door. It will close for you too one of these days. Are you walking
through the doors that God has opened for you?
Today there
is a door open just for you to walk through and allow Jesus to be Lord of your
life and all you have to do is believe in Him. That belief will be obvious as
your life changes. When you submit to Him and repent of your sinful lifestyle,
asking God to forgive you of all your sin, you walk through that door into an
eternity of blessing. I believe someone today needs to do that right now as the
music plays.
I’m so proud
of this church! We collected enough stuff to fill sixty-two shoeboxes for
Operation Christmas Child. For a church our size, that’s pretty impressive.
Because of that, sixty-two kids will get a present this year that otherwise
wouldn’t and everybody that had a part in it got treasures in Heaven for
eternity. Thank you to everybody who helped with all of that. That’s very
Now, tell me
something else that Christ Fellowship does that you are proud of or excites
you. How about out ministry to the poor, the addicted and the incarcerated? Our
ministry to the RV Park down the road? Our part in the Disciple House in
Bridgeport? Did you know that as a church we tithe 10% of our gross income to
five different missions or ministries? Some of them, in turn, support other
missions and ministries. That’s pretty cool. We also have a food pantry that
helps people every week. We also go to a lot of time and expense to put our
Sunday morning service live on Facebook and I hear almost every week about
somebody that enjoyed it.
That’s a lot
of stuff for a church. God must be pretty proud of us. I think we can just sit
back and take it easy for a little while, don’t you? Maybe we at least take the
holidays off and go back to ministry in January, maybe February. What do you
think? I don’t want anybody to burn out. Oh, we should continue meeting here
every Sunday morning but maybe next week we will discuss some other ways that
God must be proud of us because of what we have done in the past.
Ben, will
you come lead us in a closing song? I think we have done enough for a while.
What? No? Why not? Aren’t you afraid of burn-out? I mean, we have done some
really good stuff in the past. Can’t we just cruise for a while; you know, take
a little break? Why not? Yes, Paul said in Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper
time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” But surely we have done enough good things in the
past to carry us for a while, right? No?
You know
what it reminds me of? Bruce Springsteen has a song from 1985 called “Glory
Days” and the last verse goes like this. (Don’t worry. I’m not going to sing
And I hope
when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it
I probably will
Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture
A little of the glory yeah
Well time slips away and leaves you with nothing, mister, but
Boring stories of…Glory Days.
Time slips
away and leaves you with nothing, mister, but boring stories of…Glory Days. How
true that is and what a shame that is. It is even more of a shame for
Christians in a church to have nothing but boring stories of what they have
done in the past.
Every year
on our church’s anniversary which is coming right up on December 2, we will
take some time to remember a bunch of stories about the early days of our
church and when we do we always do it in a way that shows God’s protection and
provision for us. We give Him all the glory for those days. That’s good and
fine and we should do that but every year we add to those stories and we will
add some more when we celebrate again on December 8th of this year.
But if every
year we met together to celebrate and every year we told the same old stories
about what we did in 2013 and 2014 and what fun we had and how good God was in
that, then something is wrong even if we are giving God glory. Something is
wrong if a church isn’t doing anything. If a body on the side of the road isn’t
moving, you would pull over and try to help that person. You would know just by
looking that they were dead or almost dead and something was horribly wrong.
The church
in Sardis was laying on the side of the road not moving. They had done some
great things in the past but it was just about dead. Let’s read about them in
Revelation chapter three. We have made it all the way to the third chapter as
we continue our study on the seven churches that Jesus told John to write in
the book of Revelation. We have come to the church in the city of Sardis. Today
it is called Sart in modern day Turkey.
Anybody want
to guess what Sart is known for? Literally even today Sart is most known for
some military battles that happened thousands of years ago. Talk about “Glory
Days!” It is a thriving little town even today, just like it was back when John
wrote them but even today they are living in the past. What’s really interesting
is that two of those battles were notable because the guards posted to alert
everybody if someone attacked had fallen asleep. And it happened to them twice,
200-300 years apart.
That fact
plays a part in how Jesus addresses them in His letter to them so let’s read it
in Revelation 3:1-6. "To the angel
of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of him who holds the seven
spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of
being alive, but you are dead. 2Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about
to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God.
3Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and
repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know
at what time I will come to you. 4Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have
not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they
are worthy. 5The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I
will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will
acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels. 6Whoever has ears, let
them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”
First, let
me tell you really quick that Jesus is telling John to write what He says and
Jesus says in verse 1 that He holds the seven spirits of God. Don’t
worry. You are correct. There is only one Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, but
the number seven is used biblically to represent perfection and fullness or
completeness. He is saying that God’s Spirit is omnipresent in all the
churches. He sees what’s going on. He is there. He is a witness. He knows.
But what He
goes on to tell the church that He knows is fascinating. Do you remember
reading in the Gospels about how Jesus so often cleverly and subtly poked the
Pharisees and religious leaders? He would be teaching and say, “You have
heard it said…” and I just picture Jesus looking at some Pharisee. “You
have heard it said not to murder but I tell you not to be angry.” He knew
that Pharisee was so angry at Him that he wanted to kill Jesus.
He did stuff
like that a lot. Not only was it teaching truth but it was a subtle dig, a
little jab, a poke in the eye to those that needed poking. I want you to see
that Jesus writes these letters with the same subtle cleverness. Jesus knows
that Sardis had tried to build a temple to Artemis, a Greek goddess, but they
never completed it and they became somewhat of the laughingstock around there.
Jesus knew that Sardis was known for being on top of this almost impossible to climb
cliff but that the guards had fallen asleep and their enemy walked right in on
So, look
again at how Jesus addresses them. I know your
deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. 2Wake up!
Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds
unfinished in the sight of my God. Ouch! It’s that same clever bite
He used with the religious leaders. It was also teaching an important truth to
them and to us today.
So, what
makes Jesus say to that church in Sardis and even more important to us, why
would Jesus say to us that our works are not finished, our deeds are
unfinished? Turn to the book of James. Turn left in your Bibles about 1/16th
of an inch to James 2:14-17. James was the brother of Jesus and inspired
by the Holy Spirit to write this: “What good is
it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds?
Can such faith save them? 15Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes
and daily food. 16If one of you says to them, "Go in peace; keep warm and
well fed," but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?
17In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is
In this
letter to Sardis, Jesus never chastises them about them really doing anything
wrong. There was no doctrinal issue to be addressed. There was no sexual
immorality like Thyatira had. He is telling them that, yes, in the past you
have done some good things but if you really want to be alive; if you really
want to take the next step in obedience, then it is going to require faith.
Now, when I
say that I can just see some of you taking a breath and thinking, “Wew,
good. He’s not preaching to me this time because I have faith.” Right? Let
me tell you what faith is. In 2016 I went to Nicaragua on a mission trip with
our friends Jody and Trisha Kennedy. I had been with them on other trips and I
kind of knew what to expect but there was a lady that went with us from another
church that had never been before and I struck up a conversation on the way
over there.
I said, “So,
you’ve never been on a mission trip before? I’m glad you’re going. That’s
good.” She said, “Not good. I’m scared to death. I can’t afford it. I’m
afraid of flying and I have no idea what I’m doing.”
I looked at
her and thought, “Wow. That’s the faithiest faith that has ever faithed
right there. That’s what it looks like!” And do you know what? When we got
there, she just melted right into those people. She had a love for people and
especially the young teenage girls just really clicked with her and I’m
convinced that several of those girls came to Jesus because of that woman’s
Scared to
death. Can’t afford it. Didn’t know what to do but God opened the door and she
walked through. She was over her head from the first step but she trusted God
to provide and protect and she did it while being obedient and doing good
deeds. That’s a finished work in the sight of God right there.
Now, I hope
that woman is a mature enough believer to not be going around, three years
later saying, “In 2016 I had some really faithy faith on that mission trip.
Let me tell you about it one more time.” I hope she has other, more recent,
stories to tell.
Jesus has
something else to say to the church at Sardis as well. Look at verse 3. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard;
hold it fast, and repent. What had they received and heard? Well,
the letters of Paul had been written and circulated by this time and most of
the rest of the New Testament had been written so Jesus is saying to them, “What
you read in the scriptures, hang on to that.”
And here we
go again. The same folks that thought I wasn’t preaching to them about faith
are relieved that I’m not talking to them about reading the Bible. But I’m
preaching to all of us. Again, going back to James. James 1 says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive
yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do
what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after
looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect
law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have
heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. Okay, some of us may be doing alright so
far but watch out…26 Those who consider
themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive
themselves, and their religion is worthless. 27 Religion that God our Father
accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in
their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Ouch! If
that didn’t step on your toes, you don’t have toes. Okay, okay, Jesus is
telling the church at Sardis (what would you call them, Sardines? I don’t
know.) Jesus is telling the Sardines to take the whole canon of scripture and
be obedient to it. Hold on to it. But if we just take this one part that James
says, that’s probably enough to work on for a while.
Tame your
tongue! Keep a tight rein on your tongue. That means to say freely what needs
to be said and to keep your mouth shut about the things that don’t need to be
said and most of us struggle with both. As Jesus told the church, we have
received it and heard it. We have held on to it. Or have we?
Are we
keeping a tight rein on our tongue? A man working in the produce department was
asked by a lady if she could buy half a head of lettuce. He replied, "Half
a head? Are you serious? God grows these in whole heads and that's how we sell
them!" "You mean," she persisted, "that after
all the years I've shopped here, you won't sell me half-a-head of
lettuce?" "Look," he said, "If you like I'll ask the
indicated that would be appreciated, so the young man marched to the front of
the store. "You won't believe this, but there's a lame-braided idiot of
a lady back there who wants to know if she can buy half-a-head of
lettuce." He noticed the manager gesturing and turned around to
see the lady standing behind him, obviously having followed him to the front of
the store. "And this nice lady was wondering if she could buy the
other half" he concluded.
Tame your
tongue. I know. I know. I’ve heard you say it. God made you this way. You
aren’t rude. You are just blunt. You are just a straight talker, right? You
calls ‘em like you sees ‘em. Yea, I hear ya. But Jesus calls that sin and He
tells the church here in Sardis and the church here in Lake Bridgeport to
repent! Do you see that in verse 3?
He goes on
to say that if you don’t repent; if you don’t obey everything written in
scripture, even the hard stuff like taming your tongue; if you don’t repent and
wake up then He will come like a thief in the night. When Jesus says He is
coming like a thief in the night, He is not coming to give you a reward. He is
not coming to comfort you or give you an attaboy or call you sweet baby. He is
coming for judgment.
In 1
Corinthians 3 and 2 Corinthians 5, Paul talks about how Jesus will
judge all your deeds. If it is done with faith, you will be rewarded. If not,
it will be burned up. It will be looked at as worthless. All the time, money
and effort you put into things that don’t require faith will be like wood,
hay and straw. They will be burned up in God’s judgment. As Christians, we
will still go to Heaven but think of all the stuff we spend time and money on
in this life that will do us no good in eternity.
I want you
to know I have made an important decision. Some of you know I was given a
pontoon boat for free. It’s nothing fancy and it needs a little work but I am
enjoying it. The decision I have made is the all-important name of the boat. I
have thought about it for a while and I was considering naming it “Calm
Delight” which is the definition I found for joy. But just this week, going
through this study of Sardis, I decided on “Wood, Hay and Straw.”
I know it’s
not real catchy but I hope it keeps me reminded as I work on that thing just
what really is important in this life. There’s nothing wrong with having stuff
but is anybody’s life being changed by that boat? Is that boat going with me to
Heaven? Shoot, I’ll be happy if it makes it all the way to the lake.
If Jesus
came back tonight, is He going to care how clean that boat is or how well it
runs? For the One who walked on water, I doubt He’ll be impressed. What about
you? What are you spending your time, money and effort on that will be burned
up like wood, hay and straw?
Look again
at verses 4 and 5 at how Jesus closes this letter. This is a great
comfort to all true believers. He says, “4Yet
you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will
walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy. Stop right
there. I don’t know about you but I don’t feel worthy but thank you, Lord, it’s
not based on feelings. We are worthy if we confess Jesus as Lord and do what He
says. That makes us worthy and victorious. 5The
one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot
out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that
name before my Father and his angels.
All my
commentaries agree that to read this as it might be possible to have your name blotted
out of the book of life is incorrect. In fact, it says just the opposite. Jesus
says He will never do that. G.R. Beasley-Murry says that Jesus wrote this book
before time began and He didn’t make any mistake so He needs not blot out any
names. That’s good news because there
are a lot of times that I not only don’t feel worthy but I prove that I am not
worthy and it is only by God’s grace and the faith He gives me that I am
considered worthy. Thank you, Lord!
When I look
back on the history of our church, there is a lot to be proud of. This church
has done a lot of good things for the Kingdom of God. We could talk about the
time seven years ago that Eddie the Angel came in and we ministered to Him. Or
we could brag about how a couple of years ago a guy in the Wise County Jail said,
“Christ Fellowship? I know them! That’s the church that helps people!” There
are other times and things we have done but I have no doubt that this church’s
best days are in the future. Let’s focus on that. What are we going to do next?
That’s exciting to me.
Maybe today
you don’t know for sure if your name is even in the Lamb’s Book of Life. You
can be sure by repenting of your sinful lifestyle. Turn away from that and ask
God for forgiveness of your sin. Romans 3:23 says we are all sinners. Romans
6:23 says that what we deserve for that sin is eternal death in Hell. But John
3:16 says that God loved you so much that he sent His Son, Jesus, down from
Heaven to die on the cross to pay for all your nasty sins and mine and that all
we have to do is believe.
That belief
will be obvious because God will change your life and continue to change it
until you die or He comes back to get us. Are you ready for that? It could
happen at any moment. Go to God in prayer right now as the music plays.
Call me old
fashioned but I like a good old bologna sandwich. Just the cheap bologna with a
little cheese on some bread and I’m good. I eat them pretty often and here is
what I have learned. Here, I’ll show you with this sandwich I made. I made it
last Wednesday and then left it on the counter. Now, I know that doctors and
scientists would tell you that it’s not good to leave food out like that, but I’m
telling you there is nothing wrong with it. That mold growing on there gives it
a nice flavor. Anybody want some? I’ll share.
Don’t listen
to all those medical school graduates. I bet they have never even eaten a moldy
bologna sandwich. A fresh sandwich is fine but a crusty, moldy, dark cheddar cheese,
old sandwich is good too. It’ll be fine. Trust me. No? Why not? Have you ever
eaten one? Then how do you know it wouldn’t be good?
You know it
wouldn’t be good, even though you have never eaten one because you believe
medical science, right? Yea, it looks gross and that’s a turn-off, but guacamole
looks gross too and you eat that. The difference is that you trust what medical
science has said for a hundred years or more. You trust the books written by
educated men that prove that eating this sandwich would make you sick.
But what if
I went around telling people in the church that eating moldy bologna sandwiches
was fine. If I brought them to game night and to snack on at Bible study and I
kept on doing it? You wouldn’t tolerate that, would you? If I want to eat moldy
bologna, it’s one thing. But to encourage the rest of the church to do it would
be unacceptable. You would do whatever it takes to stop me from spreading those
Okay, okay,
so I hear you. You don’t want to eat a whole moldy bologna sandwich. How about
just a little bit of one? How about just a bite? Just eat a little bit of this
black cheese here and see what you think. No? Well, how much mold is too much?
How much moldy bologna sandwich is okay to eat? How much can you tolerate? None?
Exactly right!
Turn to the
book of Revelation with me this morning to the second chapter and we will see
that something similar but far worse was going on in the church at Thyatira. We
are continuing our look at the letters Jesus told John to write to the seven
churches. These churches were real churches with real problems. Some of those
problems were because of when and where they lived and some of their problems
were of their own making.
Thyatira was
the smallest of the seven churches in the smallest of cities but Jesus wrote
them the longest letter. Thyatira was actually a military outpost set up to
protect the other cities in the area. But in this city were a bunch of trade
guilds, like unions, that were in place for all the different tradesmen that
were there. Thyatira was a booming little city for trades such as textiles,
tanners, potters, bakers, coppersmiths and such and each one had its own guild
or union. Like in other cities we have seen, if you weren’t part of the union,
it was hard to make a living.
The problem
was, when these unions would meet, it would always turn into a “religious” feast
that would include worship to all these false gods and that worship included
all kinds of sexual immorality. You know, I guess if you are going to make up a
god, make up one that encourages you to do what you want to do. That way you
can do what you want and still be in right standing with your god. It looks
like that is what was happening in Thyatira.
Let’s read Revelation
2:18-29 and see what kind of trouble this church was in. As usual, Jesus starts
off by giving some good news but when you look at it closely, you see it is all
Jesus can do to tell them anything good because He is obviously ticked off.
Look how He starts this letter.
To the angel of the church in Thyatira write: These are the words of
the Son of God, whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like
burnished bronze. (See.
That is not the greeting of a happy Jesus.)19 I
know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that
you are now doing more than you did at first. 20 Nevertheless, I have this
against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By
her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of
food sacrificed to idols. 21 I have given her time to repent of her
immorality, but she is unwilling. 22 So I will cast her on a bed of
suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely,
unless they repent of her ways. 23 I will strike her children dead. Then
all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I
will repay each of you according to your deeds. 24 Now I say to the rest
of you in Thyatira, to you who do not hold to her teaching and have not learned
Satan’s so-called deep secrets, ‘I will not impose any other burden on you,
25 except to hold on to what you have until I come.’ 26 To the one
who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the
nations— 27 that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash
them to pieces like pottery’[a]—just as I have received authority from my Father. 28 I
will also give that one the morning star. 29 Whoever has ears, let them hear
what the Spirit says to the churches.
I remember
when the internet was just starting out. It was starting to make a dent in the
profits of print media like newspapers and magazines. We see now that the
internet has almost completely taken over the areas of news and entertainment. But
I remember back in the day that the owner of Penthouse magazine was on the
national news making a plea for pornographic magazines and not just his own. I
remember him encouraging people to buy his magazine but if not his, then buy
Playboy because porn is normal and healthy. It is good for you. He wanted
everyone to know that porn was good, no matter whose mag you bought.
I remember
thinking how crazy that sounded. It’s crazier than a moldy bologna sandwich.
But, I wonder if he really believed it or if he was just trying to make money
or maybe he had convinced himself it really was true because he wanted it to be
In our text
today, the biggest problem in this church in Thyatira was one woman. Jesus
called her Jezebel. That was most likely not her real name but Jesus often
changed peoples names to reflect their personalities and this nickname was no
compliment. If you remember, Jezebel was in the Old Testament in First and
Second Kings and was the evil queen of King Ahab. The Jezebel in Thyatira was a
little more subtle. She evidently claimed to have direct insight from God that allowed
her to encourage the Christians in that church to feel free to participate in the
sexually immoral idol worship that was going on at these guild meetings.
I don’t know
if she really believed it or if she was just trying to make money or if she had
convinced herself it really was true because she wanted it to be true. But
evidently the people in the church were tolerating it and that made Jesus mad.
I bet it was very tempting to tolerate her and her teaching because if you
don’t belong to one of these guilds, then it’s almost impossible to work. So,
the Christians in the church in Thyatira had to make a choice and I’m sure it
was difficult.
She was
evidently teaching that you could be a Christian and be part of these guilds,
even if those guilds worshiped idols and indulged in sexual immorality. They
could sin and still be saved; that one thing had nothing to do with the
other. This may have been the tool that church was using to get the
pagans of Thyatira to come to their church. They were compromising their
standards to attract the world. They were saying, “Oh, come as you
are! Don’t change a thing. Keep living like you have always
lived. We’ll accept you just like you are. God loves you and we do
too. Neither He nor us expects you to change one thing.”
This goes
back to the rules we have or don’t have around here. If you want to come to
this church in filthy clothes, we don’t have any rules about that. We seriously
do not care about such things. Please come. If you want to come to this church with
a filthy heart, that’s fine too. We don’t have rules about that.
But we love
you too much to let you stay either way. If you want better clothes, we can
help you, but we really don’t care what you look like on the outside. If you
want a clean heart and clean hands before God; a renewed mind; if you want to
be a new creation, as God calls it, we can help you with that too because we do
care about that.
The problem
is we are surrounded by…the world. When we are here in this building, we all
get loved on and supported and prayed for and did I say loved on? Good grief,
this is a loving church; a giving church. Thank you, Lord, for the heart you
have given this church and especially when this church is in this building,
life is good.
But unfortunately,
we have to leave here. We have to go out into the world; the nasty, perverted,
sin-sick world where we are not loved on but lied to. We are lied to by the TV,
the radio, internet, the world and ultimately Satan and we are told that porn
is healthy. We are told that homosexuality is just a different lifestyle. We
are told that sex before marriage is just the way it is and that there is
nothing different about it than what married people do. But that is all a lie
and it is a lie that is slowly making its way into the churches of today just
like it was creeping into the church in Thyatira.
I have to
brag on Cody and Teresa again for a minute. Guys, I am so proud of you! I know
it has been hard and you have had every excuse in the world to quit but you
have held on to what you have in the Lord and I know He is blessing you for it.
Cody and Teresa and I had a talk when they first started coming here. I knew
they weren’t married and were living together and I didn’t want to discourage
them or run them off but I knew they didn’t know the truth so I tried to lovingly
tell them what passages like 1 Corinthians 7:2 says. It says, “But
because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own
wife and each woman her own husband.”
It didn’t
take long before Cody called me. “Hey! Been thinking about what you said. We
went and got our marriage license and it says we have to wait 72 hours but can
you marry us on the 73rd hour?” Yeet! Yes, I can! And God was
glorified in that ceremony and God is glorified in their lives and that is just
fun to see!
And that’s
what happens when people are obedient. God blesses them. But you also know what
comes after that, right? The people are obedient. God blesses and then Satan
attacks. Set your watch by it. Count on it. I promise it is going to happen.
Satan hates when you get out of a sinful lifestyle, especially a sexually immoral
Let me ask
you a question. Is all sin the same? Is one sin as bad as another? Well,
honestly, that’s kind of a trick question. In one sense, all sin is the same in
that any sin – big sin, little sin, medium sin – puts a barrier between you and
God. Isaiah 59:2 says, “But your iniquities have separated you from
your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.”
But sexual sin
has worse consequences because as 1 Corinthians 6:18 says, “Flee from
sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but
whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.” So, Satan has a thing
for trying to get us to sin sexually. You are never too old or too spiritually
mature for sexual immorality not to be a temptation.
But, as
always, Satan is too smart to just come right out and try to get you to do
something big. It always starts small. It starts with a picture or a word which
leads to a thought and then another couple of thoughts and a small bad thing
and then all of the sudden one thing has inevitable lead to another and you
look around and find yourself hooked into something you can’t even imagine.
My favorite
hero in the Bible, David, was walking around in the cool of the evening minding
his own business up on his flat roof. Things were going well. He was the king
of all Israel and God was blessing him. He was conquering all the nations
around him. There was relative peace in the land. David himself had everything
a man could want including more than one wife. But all it took was a look.
You know the
story that 2 Samuel 11 tells. It went from an innocent glance to a
longer look to asking a couple questions and pretty soon there was lust,
adultery, murder, lying, deceit and the death of a child on David’s hands. He
should have just bounced his eyes off her and gone downstairs and his story
would have been way different. There was repentance and forgiveness for David
but the consequences of those sins were devastating.
God doesn’t
want you to have those consequences and so He warns us about that kind of thing
all through His Word. When you do find yourself in that kind of a hole, the
first thing to do is quit digging. As soon as you realize you have made a
mistake, you should go to God and ask for forgiveness before it gets any worse
or before you run out of time. Look at verses 21-23 again. 21 I have given her time to repent of her immorality,
but she is unwilling. 22 So I will
cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with
her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. 23 I will strike her
children dead.
Wow! That
sounds pretty harsh, doesn’t it? Evidently God takes this stuff pretty
seriously. He says, “She likes that bed so much, she can die on it with all
her customers and followers!” Most commentaries agree that verse 23
is talking about the people that follow her teaching. Jesus is protective of
His bride, the church. He is protective of His Word and His glory and when
anything threatens any of that, He can and will cut them off. He says in verse
24, “Then all the churches will know that I am
he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to
your deeds.” That ought to thrill some of us and it ought to scare
some of us to death. Nothing gets past the penetrating stare of Jesus. He is
searching our hearts and minds all the time.
We have
talked before about how our churches today don’t really know persecution. So
many churches in foreign countries have to have underground churches or sneak
around at night because just believing in Jesus is against the law. We don’t
have anything close to that. But I’ll tell you how Satan persecutes our church
and it’s not much different than it was for the church in Thyatira.
We are
surrounded by evil. We see and hear things all day every day that make fun of
God and Christianity, tell us that perversion is normal and that just a little
bit of evil isn’t going to hurt you. There isn’t much we can do about some of
it. We have to go to work where there are unbelievers and unbelievers are just
going to act like it. Don’t be surprised when they do.
We have to
drive down the road and see certain billboards and awful bumper stickers.
Sometimes you just can’t help seeing those things. I hope we can just bounce
our eyes off those and keep driving. But while you are driving, what are you
listening to? When you get home, what are you watching on TV and online?
I want you
to be mindful this week about that sitcom you like to watch. Oh, I know they
aren’t worshiping Satan or anything but if Jesus was sitting on the couch next
to you, would you continue watching it? Do you think Jesus would laugh at those
shows? First of all they just aren’t funny and secondly that half-dressed hussy
on there that is trying to seduce a man she isn’t married to is subtly brainwashing
you into thinking that’s no big deal.
Tell me
that’s not true when you think about how far we have come from Ricky and Lucy
being married but sleeping in separate beds to today where it’s just assumed
that everybody lives together before they get married. It’s just assumed now
that every good first date ends in sex. Tell me our society hasn’t been
brainwashed into thinking that is okay.
That’s just
exactly what this Jezebel in Thyatira was trying to do. It’s okay. You can be a
Christian and still watch filth on TV. You can go to church and the rated “R”
movies. One doesn’t have anything to do with the other. Well, it’s time to
repent of that. Right now. Right here before it’s too late. God is searching
our hearts and minds and He sees what is on that TV and computer and He hears
that filth coming from the stereo and He is coming soon to “repay each of you according to your deeds.”
Are you
ready for that? If you are then it’s good news in verse 24 where Jesus
says, “Now I say to the rest of you…who do not hold
to her teaching and have not learned Satan’s so-called deep secrets, ‘I will
not impose any other burden on you, 25 except to hold on to what you have
until I come.’ That word for “hold on” in the Greek is “krateo”
which is a strong word indicating it will not be easy. Jesus knows that but He
is coming soon and He will make it all worth it! Hold on, dear one. Hold on!
If you are
going to be a holy, godly Christian in these days, you might as well get ready
to be hated, misunderstood and persecuted. But, this is not the end of
the matter! One day, the King is coming! When He does, He is going
to let His faithful servants reign with Him. We might be weak
today. The worldly, compromising churches might be the ones with all the
people, all the power and all the prestige. But, when the King comes,
those who have served Him faithfully now will reign with Him then! It will
be worth it all when that day comes! (Adrian Rogers)
If you
aren’t ready then, as Paul said back in his day, today is the day of salvation.
Ask God to forgive your sins – everything you have ever done - and scripture
says He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) Allow Him to be Lord of your life. Whatever He
says is what you want to do. No compromising on any of that. And allow Him to
change you and bless you and make you more like Him. Do it right now as the
music plays.
This Jezebel
was teaching things that contradict scripture. We need to be searching the
scriptures every time a red flag goes up like that and if it doesn’t match what
scripture is saying, that so-called prophet or preacher is a false prophet and
you need to never listen to them again.