Monday, January 8, 2018

“Preparing to Prepare for Battle” – Joshua 3-4

Well, it’s the last day of 2017.  Are you glad it’s gone or was it pretty good for you?  How many of you would say that 2017 was a great year overall? In John 10:10, Jesus said He came to give us abundant lives; full lives.  How many of you lived full and abundant lives in 2017?

 How many of you are pleased with yourself in 2017? You lived a pure and holy life.  You weren’t sinless, necessarily, but you feel like you are closer to God today than you were last year? How many of you saw God answer your prayers this year like never before?

Maybe you feel like Satan took more away from you than God gave you.  Maybe you feel like you got hammered by the devil this year and you hope 2018 will be better. I know a lot of you probably feel that way.  The question is, how bad do you want it?

The new year is a big time for making resolutions.  People resolve to lose weight, save money, be better people in some way and most of the time it lasts a few months and then we say, “Well, maybe next year.” I’ve tried real hard for a long time to eat better.  I’ve tried to stop eating when I feel satisfied, not wait until I’m full and miserable.  I’ve also tried to stop snacking between meals and to eat more vegetables.

I seriously have and I think I’ve lost 5-10 pounds this year but do you know how bad I want to be slim?  This bad (hands on fat belly). This is how bad I really want it.  I can dress in vertical stripes and wear dark colors and suck my stomach in all I want but at the end of the day and at the end of the year, this proves how bad I want it.

That’s a shame because I know being overweight is not healthy and will ultimately take years off of my life but do you know what is worse than being out of shape physically? Being out of shape spiritually is way worse because the consequences are eternal and don’t just affect you but everyone around you. Paul told Timothy in Timothy 4, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”

So, the question is, how bad do you want to be in good spiritual shape? Are you in better shape spiritually than you were last year? Are you closer to God? Have you seen your prayers answered? Have you memorized helpful scripture verses? Have you brought anybody else to Christ this year? Would you call yourself a disciple – one who learns from Jesus and then tells others what you have learned?

Lord willing, I am going to ask you those same questions in January 2019 and if you stick with us through this year, you will be able to answer, “Oh, yes! I have a much more abundant life. I am closer to God than ever before and let me tell you what God has shown me and done for me and how He has used me!” You will be able to see victory over that old liar Satan because we are about to go to battle this next year and so today we are going to prepare to prepare for it.

Yes, you heard me right. We are preparing to prepare for battle today and I would ask you to turn to Joshua chapter 3 as we prepare to prepare. Joshua is the sixth book in the Old Testament or as the politically correct would say, the Older Testament. It’s not old.  I don’t want it to get its feelings hurt.

Starting next Sunday, we are going to prepare for battle by first going to boot camp.  I would encourage you to wear your best Sunday-go-to-meeting camouflage.  For some, that might not be any different than any other Sunday and that’s good. Next Sunday we will not have Christmas decorations up any longer, but it will look way different.  Trust me. But today, we are going to prepare to prepare for battle and by that, I mean we are going to prepare our hearts and minds to prepare ourselves for the tests ahead.

If you were going to Marine boot camp next week, you would hopefully understand that they are probably going to dramatically transform you physically.  Your exercise regimen and your diet are about to change and you will too and so probably, the week before that, you would prepare yourself mentally for what you are about to go through. You would prepare to prepare for battle. Now, I have not been in the military but I am so grateful and appreciative for those who have served and are serving. You have my undying gratitude and I don’t take it lightly. I have seen YouTube videos of boot camp and it looks horrible. I watched some while Trey Pittman was in boot camp to see what he was going through and I wrote him and told him to tell his drill instructor that I said he needed to be sweet and not scream so much. So, I’m sure that helped.

Well, when we get to boot camp next week I promise not to scream as much as they do.  I also promise not to give you any “win one for the Gipper” motivational speeches, nor will I think any less of you if you fail. But I will stand here with scripture in hand to tell you, not what I think you should do or what is best for you, but what God commands and the first thing we must do to prepare to prepare for battle, according to the Word of God, is to consecrate ourselves.

Look at Joshua chapter 3, please. There we see the nation of Israel about to go into the Promised Land but they are going to have to fight for it every step of the way and they are still fighting to stay there even today. Their first official battle was in Jericho on the other side of the Jordan River but they first had to cross the Jordan. So they had to prepare to prepare to go to battle.  Your bulletin says Joshua chapters 3 and 4 but I’m only going to read a few verses.  But you need to read all of chapters 3 and 4 and you need to do it every day this week.  That’s your homework.  That’s part of preparing to prepare.  Every day, read Joshua 3 and 4 until you really understand and have allowed it to sink in what was really going on, okay?

For today, I only want to read one verse.  Joshua 3:5 says, “Joshua told the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you."  Does that verse sound familiar to anybody? It should if you have been here for a while.  Five years ago, we read this and, more importantly, did this.  We consecrated ourselves in preparation for what God would do. Then, just a few weeks ago, we celebrated our 5th anniversary as Christ Fellowship by just telling stories about this journey and how God really has done amazing things among us.

That was so much fun, wasn’t it? I laughed for days thinking about some of those stories and to tell you the truth, it would be real easy to just coast from now on, telling about what God has done in the past; how he brought us “angels unaware” in old vans, protected us from crazy women with cell phones and got us over the flooded Jordan River - which for us was Hwy 380 -  twice (and we have the pebbles on the pulpit to remember it by).

It would be easy, in five more years, to tell those same stories and laugh at them and praise God for them and we will but I want new stories; not just so we can sit around and talk about them and laugh but, if you think about it, every one of those stories is testimony to how God provided for us and protected us from the evil one and I don’t know how you feel but I am sick and tired of this church being hammered by Satan and watching person after person being picked off and I’m not going to sit idly by and just allow it! We are in a battle - every one of us, whether you want to be or not – and it is time we put on our armor, faced the enemy, and allowed God to fight the battle through us but to do so means we MUST consecrate ourselves.

No, Joshua was not talking to us when he gave his command to the Israelites to consecrate themselves, but scripture is full of similar commands that we can and should take. My concordance tells me the word is used 172 times in the Bible about things or people that should be set apart for God’s work. The word “holy” and “consecrated” are used almost interchangeably all through scripture and we know that “holy” means to be set apart, different, sanctified, purified or hallowed.

But as I studied the word “consecrate” a little further I found that it differed from “holy” in that it also means to be full or filled up and running over.  Look at Joshua 3:15. It says the Jordan was at flood stage during the harvest. The original word used for flood stage is the word “qadash” (kaw-dash). Qadash is the word from which we get “consecrate”.  Same word. That’s fascinating to me. I hear people sometimes complain about how bad their lives are. Sometimes they are good Christian people and they are not exaggerating about how bad they have it.  Maybe they struggle physically or financially or spiritually or any other way.  Sometimes they struggle with how God would allow them to go through such difficulties and I don’t know the answer to that most of the time.  We know that the rain falls on the just and the unjust as it says in Matthew 5.

But sometimes, because we are not completely sold out to God and His plan and His will for our lives we allow ourselves to go unprotected. In Isaiah 59:2 it says, “But your iniquities (your sins) have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.” Our sin, even the small and so-called insignificant sins put a barrier between us and God and allow Satan to attack us.

We studied Ephesians 6 in depth this year and we know what armor we have available to us to protect us from the devil but he is way stronger than we are and without God’s mighty right hand to protect us, we don’t stand a chance. We have to put on that armor and stand behind God – completely abiding in Him and behind Him, filled with Him until He starts to overflow in our lives.

Ninety percent of Him isn’t going to cut out. If we give 90% of ourselves to God, we can expect to have unnecessary problems. Don’t expect God to bless your life if you are not completely sold out to Him. I’m always surprised at how merciful God is to us when we are not living completely for Him. We can’t expect the storehouses of Heaven to open up onto our lives when there are places in our lives where Jesus is not Lord.

To consecrate ourselves, we have to get every aspect of our lives right with Him. We have to be right with God in our prayer life, our Bible study, our finances, our sex lives, the music we listen to, the shows we watch on TV and the web sites we click on. Where we go, what we read, what we put in our mouths and what comes out of our mouths all needs to be radically different than the world and filled up and overflowing with the things of God.

Now, I know that sounds like a bunch of rules and a bunch of “don’t do this” and “don’t do that” and don’t have any fun and act like good old Baptist fogies who don’t approve of smiling and only enjoy a few rounds of the “Quiet Game” or Bible trivia for entertainment. Because that’s what we do at this church, right? That’s funny!

We say all the time that we don’t have any rules around here and do you know why? Do you know that Jesus didn’t have a lot of rules? He was a rule-breaker! Do you know what Jesus’ rules were? Love God and love your neighbor.  That’s pretty much it.  That’s what He said in Matthew 22. When you truly love God and truly love your neighbor, your fellow-man, you will consecrate yourself.  You will want more and more God and less and less of this world until pretty soon, you are overflowing with God’s love.

But, do you know what?  You don’t have to do all of this.  You don’t really have to consecrate yourself or love your neighbor or any of that.  You really don’t. You don’t have to fight in the battle against the evil one.  You don’t have to go to boot camp or study or pray or any of that.

You just keep doing what you are doing but you will continue to get the responses you have gotten. You will continue to lose out on God’s protection but don’t worry, He’s very gracious and merciful and you probably won’t die tomorrow. The problem is, you will continue to live without living a full and abundant life.  You will continue to live with the heartaches and unnecessary pains that God’s mighty right hand could save you from. And you’ll still be in the battle. You just don’t stand a chance at winning.

Let’s pray right now as the music plays.  I usually invite you to come to the front if you want but for a few minutes, I just want you to ask God what areas of your life you need to turn over to Him today.  Ask Him, as David did, to search you and try you and to reveal any wicked way in you. Then, if you want to, you can come down and I would love to pray with you.  Maybe you need to rededicate your life to Him.  Maybe you want to join this church.

Maybe you don’t have a relationship with God through His Son Jesus today.  All you have to do is believe that Jesus died for your sins, ask Him to forgive your sins and then allow God to change you and start to consecrate you and make you more like Him as He fills you up with Himself.

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