Tuesday, October 27, 2020

“In Love with Jesus” – Part 3 – Matthew 14:22-33

Okay, help me finish these sentences. “The people are obedient. God blesses.” Then what? “Satan attacks.” We have talked about that lots of times, right? It’s a cycle you see all through scripture and, if you look closely, you will see it in your own life as well. You may very well be in the process of that cycle right now.

You have been obedient and you look around and see how God has protected and provided and given wisdom. God has been generous and merciful. All of that is such a blessing. Do you think Satan is just going to sit back and let you enjoy that? Not on your life. He hates you and wants to kill you dead but if God won’t allow him to kill you, he will settle for making you miserable or, at the very least, distracting you from what you need to be doing.

It happened to Adam and Eve in the garden. It’s the story of Job. King David fell for it. Satan even tried it with Jesus but was unsuccessful. Today, I want us to see it happen in the lives of the disciples and we will also see the good that came from it. In Matthew 14 there is a lot going on. John the Baptist gets beheaded. Then Jesus feeds 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. Then Jesus walks on water and after all that, He goes and heals a bunch more people. That’s all in one chapter and probably all happened in just a day or two. So, the disciples were busy and their learning process was probably like drinking from a fire hose.

But they are being obedient to what Jesus tells them to do and even though some of the things He said and did was blowing their minds, they continued to believe more and more. Their faith continued to grow every day and they were being blessed just being in the presence of Jesus…and Satan couldn’t stand it.

After Jesus had fed the five thousand, He sent the people home. That was probably just before dark sometime. Depending on the time of year, it was probably 6-9 pm. Then Jesus tells the disciples to get in the boat and row on across the northern part of the Sea of Galilee. It’s a pretty short trip. Jesus said He would meet them on the other side. We will read He needed to be alone so He could pray. He also knew what was about to happen out on that lake and He had something else to show them, especially Peter. Let’s read about it in Matthew chapter 14, verses 22-33.

Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, 24 and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. 25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. 27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” 29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” 32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

Billy and I went fishing a while back on my old pontoon boat and when we left, the wind was calm and nice and it was a pretty day. We went off into one of the thousands of little coves here on Lake Bridgeport and we fished for a while and then Billy said, “Uh oh. Look out there at the main lake. It looks like it’s getting a little windy.” And we agreed we better start heading back.

Well, in that cove, we were protected from the wind but once we got out on the main lake, it was seriously white-capping. We were heading straight into the wind and it felt like we were on the ocean. Big waves would send us way up and then the nose of the boat would head way down and we would hit the water with a crash, over and over again. We knew we would eventually get back but it was kind of spooky there for a while. That old boat is slow with the wind behind it, much less heading into a squall.

I can’t imagine what the disciples were going through. They didn’t even have a forty-horse outboard. They were trying to row across a short section of the lake and it should have taken them less than an hour but the wind was right in their face and it was blowing them backward. In fact, if you read the accounts in the other Gospels about this story, you realize they had probably been out there rowing for their lives for over nine hours. (MacArthur, Matthew 8-15, page 439)

Now, it’s between 3 and 6 in the morning and they have to be panicked. If this boat capsizes, they are probably going to drown in this storm. They have to be exhausted from rowing all night and even though most of these guys were fishermen and well acquainted with the water, this has to be scary.

That is right were Satan wants you to be. He wants you to be exhausted and panicked. He wants you to be scared. He wants you to be miserable and hurting and thinking of nothing but survival.

But then, guess who shows up. I love the way the Gospel of Mark words it. He says in Mark 6:48, “He was about to pass by them”! Can you imagine this scene? The disciples are rowing as hard as they can, scared for their very lives, crying, cold, wet, exhausted and here comes Jesus cool breezing across the water like he’s walking through the mall or something. “S’up guys?”

Now, we get to the good part. Now, we get to the part where Peter’s heart is revealed because it is at this point that nobody is trying to be anything that they aren’t. You see who a man really is when he is desperate for his life and everything is against him. Nobody is trying to show off or be cool. And Peter says something here that I think tells us a lot about him. Look at verse 28 again. “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.”

Don’t you know all the other disciples looked at Peter like, “What? Peter sit down and be quiet!” It’s probably something they wanted to say pretty often with Peter because rarely does it seem that Peter ever really thought through what he was about to say. That’s why so many of us love Peter. I know this is Ben’s favorite Bible character and it might be yours too because who can’t relate to saying something stupid at an important time?

You remember when Peter, James and John were with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. Jesus allows them to be with Him when He supernaturally meets with Moses and Elijah. Their clothes became white as snow and bright as the sun and what does ol’ Pete blurt out? "LORD, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters-one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah." I’m pretty sure James and John both stuck an elbow into Peter’s ribs and told him to sit down and shut up.

I was in Lowe’s the other day going through the check out line and I made some small talk with the lady behind the register and she seemed nice. At the end of the transaction, she said, “And…here’s your receipt.” And I said, “You too!” I’m such a dork sometimes so I can relate to Peter who blurts out, “Lord, tell me to come to you!”

I don’t think he thought about it. It wasn’t a well-thought-out plan. All he knew was Jesus was over there and he wanted to be where Jesus was. His world was very likely about to come to an end real soon. He was exhausted mentally and physically. Everything was going wrong. Satan was attacking. The wind was blowing. They were going in the wrong direction and were miles from shore but He knew it would all be okay if he could just be with Jesus.

I guess I’ve read Philippians 4:7 a hundred times. “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Everybody quotes it. Everybody knows it by heart. It’s on your decorative hand towel that is on the door under your sink. You may have a t-shirt with it printed on there or maybe it’s your Facebook picture or something.

But do you KNOW it? You know the verse but do you know the peace; the peace that is beyond understanding? If you do know it, it’s because you have been through the storm. It’s because you have had to deal with something horrible and tragic, maybe unspeakable…and found Jesus right in the middle of it. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair. You didn’t ask for it or deserve it but God allowed or even caused it and part of the reason for it is so you will know that His presence is enough!

Jesus Himself said in John 16:33, “you will have trouble in this world. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” He has overcome the world and the storm. He has overcome and is greater than your cancer, your divorce, your brokenness, loneliness, guilt and shame. In all of that, we need to – in fact, we have to – learn to just be with Him. Abide in Him. We don’t have to understand Him. Peter couldn’t explain the science behind walking on the water. He didn’t have to. He trusted Jesus. He loved Jesus.

But here’s the thing. He had to get out of the boat. Jesus was right there walking alongside the boat but for Peter’s world to stop crashing and sinking, he had to get out of that boat. If you want to experience the peace of God that is unexplainable, then you have to get where Jesus is and get away from where the rest of this world is.

We have to live in this world for now but we don’t have to be of this world. What I mean is, this world has fun movies, exciting music, outrageous places to go and things to do. The people of this world are beautiful and rich and healthy and the TV commercials tell you that all you have to do to be like them is buy their product. And do you know what? Not all of that is bad and some of it is fun. In fact, there can be pleasure in even in sin…but it’s fleeting (Heb. 11:25). It doesn’t last. And where is all that stuff when you are going through unspeakable difficulty? It doesn’t bring peace or joy. Only God can do that.

Let me give you an illustration. Ladies, let’s pretend like you and your husband are going on vacation and you are taking a plane to go to Hawaii. Sounds good so far, right? So, you get on the plane, hauling your carry-on luggage and looking for your seat number. You find it and go to sit down but you realize that Brad Pitt is sitting on the aisle seat right next to you. Your seat is in the middle and your husband requested the window seat.

It’s really Brad Pitt! It’s the big movie star hunk and you are sitting right next to him for the whole trip to Hawaii. And when you sit down, ol’ Brad turns to you and says, “Hi there. How you doing?” and winks at you. Oh, my! Your heart and your eye lashes are just fluttering. He introduces himself and makes some small talk and then he puts his arm on the armrest but yours is already there. You try to move your arm but he grabs your hand and just holds it.

Your husband isn’t seeing any of this, by the way. He’s reading the SkyMall magazine or something and doesn’t see it. Suddenly you realize that Brad Pitt is coming on to you. He’s whispering sweet nothings in your ear and promising you crazy things if you will just go with him when you get to Hawaii. What do you do?

I know some of you ladies are already forgetting your husband’s name at this point. “Who him? Oh, no. He’s not with me. Never seen him before.” But let’s think about it for a second. At this point, you have a few options. You can ditch the pot-bellied dinosaur on the other side of you and spend the week with Brad Pitt but you know it’s not going to last, right? Or, you could just sit there and flirt with him and not really make any decisions and see where it goes. Or, you could thank him for the offer and plainly tell him you are happily married.

But what you don’t realize is your husband, who you thought was reading, has actually been listening to every word and he is waiting for you to make a decision. How do you feel now? Do you want some short-lived excitement for the week with Brad? Do you want a little bit of excitement flirting with him? Or do you want to please your husband and live happily ever after?

See, the world is just like Brad Pitt in my stupid little scenario. You can live your life trying to have some fun and give your whole self to it. Most people here today would never do that. But what almost all of us do is try to be a little flirty with the world. How much can I get away with? I’m not giving myself all the way to worldly things. I just want a taste. I just want to play around a little bit and have Jesus too.

Well, I’m hear to tell you that your level of peace in the difficult times directly corresponds with how close you are to Jesus. If the world is Brad Pitt, then you ought to be sitting in your husband’s lap. You need to push the world away with all it’s bright lights and promises of good times and fast living and crawl up into the lap of Jesus. Abide in Him. Read about Him. Sing about Him. Meditate on Him. Talk about Him and pretty soon you will start to truly understand what Philippians 4:7 means.

I see well-meaning Christians all the time who are stressed out, depressed, anxious and angry who can’t understand why. I mean they go to church maybe once a week if they don’t have anything else. Isn’t that enough? Their lives are almost exactly like everybody else in the world. They watch the same movies, go to the same places and listen to the same music and flirt with the world all week long and can’t understand why they don’t have peace when difficulties come. I guess Philippians 4:7 isn’t true for everybody.

Going back to Matthew 14. Peter did something pretty radical, didn’t he? All the other disciples just sat there but Peter knew where his help came from. Yes, it was radical and the world and even the other people in the boat probably thought he was crazy. But Peter had a relationship with the One who is charge of the storm and he knew he needed to be where Jesus was no matter what. Peter was impetuous. He was brash. He had no filter and we love him for that and Jesus loved him in spite of all that and so Peter loved Jesus.

How much do you love Him? How much do you want to have peace in this life? What’s that worth to you? How is working out for you the other way? I’m talking about doing something radical. It might mean selling your TV. I know that sounds radical but you don’t have to have a TV. If that is causing you to live OF THIS WORLD, then get rid of it.

Maybe it means deciding to get up a little early and have a quiet time where you can just read scripture and pray and sing. Maybe it means, and I know this sounds crazy, but maybe it means coming to church for Sunday night Bible study and Thursday night Bible study. Maybe it means listening to Christian music or Christian preaching. The radio is filled with good preachers. You’ll probably wonder why your preacher isn’t as good and that’s okay because it’s not about me. It’s not about you. It’s not about Brad Pitt or the world. Your life ought to revolve around Jesus!

I know you have jobs and families and responsibilities but if you want peace and joy in this world, invite Jesus into every aspect of your life. If you don’t, don’t expect peace and joy. It’s that simple. If you don’t, don’t be so surprised when there’s not peace in your house. Don’t be surprised when there’s not peace at your job. Don’t be surprised when there’s not peace in your neighborhood.

If you want revival in our church and in our country, it is going to take a radical change that starts in you. Are you willing to shun the world and all the temporary shiny things it offers and abide in Jesus? Make that commitment right now.

Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes and just start by praising God for who He is. Praise Him for His power and His sovereignty. Praise Him for His creativity. Praise Him for His power. Now thank Him for what He has done in your life. Thank Him for His grace and mercy and forgiveness that provides the peace and joy that is beyond all understanding.

Now ask Him what He wants you to do. Is there something He wants you to give up? Is there something He wants you to start? Is it your speech? Is it your attitude? Are you giving of your time, talents and treasures like you should? What part of your life are you still trying to control? What do you need to give to Him? Now just be quiet and let Him speak.

If you don’t have a relationship with God through His Son Jesus, then none of this is going to work or even make sense. There are benefits of being an adopted son or daughter of the King of kings. We can have peace and joy in this life plus the assurance of eternal life with Him in Heaven in the next life. Ask God to come into your life and take over today. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins and then repent or turn away from those sins and that lifestyle. Do it right now. All you have to do is believe but that belief will manifest itself as a changed life. Has He changed yours? He will if you ask. Do it today.

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